tonight my friend burned his art out at the beach.
it was wood letters about six feet high spelling out the words "fuck it"
painted blue sparkles.
after the sun went down he lit it on fire
he also filmed a spanish romance movie inside an ikea
he used the staged kitchen/living room/ bedroom areas to make the movie and
they filmed for 8 hours without getting kicked out.
once i made a movie on a super 8 film camera where i had my friends jump around naked
on my roof. this is visible from a bart train and the idea was that i film from inside the train
looking out the window passing this roof of dancing naked folks.
now, this was before cell phones so they all danced around for half hour to every train that went by assuming that i was ridding back and forth on one.
my mom turned our house into her art studio when i was a kid. for weeks she painted a large painting she called "snow white" a white girl looking frightened over her shoulder and the
black woods behind her were catching her long black hair. we had a pure white dog named "snow" who, when my mom set the painting up to dry, licked the painting clean over night. the dog
had black all over its muzzle.
snow, the dog, was born with no eyes. he was a long legged white puppy who would run
all over the house except for this one empty five foot square in the middle of the kitchen as well
as half of the front lawn. the dog would run full speed twords the areas and stop on full as if
it would fall off a cliff,.
being a young boy this would totally amuse me. i would stand on the other side of the area with treats and call for "snow!" after a while where the dog would run up and down the invisible fear line i would just grab the dog and pull it into the area. i wanted to show it that
there was nothing there to fear. the poor dog would struggle away from me and run.

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