On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 1:04 AM, john benson <followthatparade@yahoo.com> wrote:
your name, age-
*john benson-40
how long you've been having shows at your house-
at my other previous ones. and in a bus for two.
does your house have a nickname-
describe the space that bands play in-
what kind of bands play-
youve prolly played at my house, or in a bus.
what's the best thing about having shows at your house-
what's the worst thing-
what are the best memories of shows at your house-
;5 drunk skin heads carrying a massive dead tree
up to the second floor, where it sat for months
untill i cut it up with a chainsaw and turned it into my loft. the guy who crawled thru my skylight and insisted i take mushrooms that
he found in new mexico because it was my 30th birthday and the bands lyrics told him to. the
time my daughter told her friend that its o.k. not to party all the time. once when a naked girl asked me to use my phone so she could call some one in new york, or when the neighborhood gangster fools who i use to make oatmeal for when they were nine took over a bands set to start rapping about
my big bus, another time a man tried to steal my car during a party and a few friends told him that
he needed to push start it and they helped him
push it three blocks away- he gave up and ran away
because they were taking his picture the whole time, the big soccer game that went from the
front street through the house to the back yard
about a hundred people played and it took
precident over the band. one time some one brought
goats to the party and they ate our carpet. children taking the drumsticks away from the metal band and playing...oh, that time the band "i hate you when youre pregnant" was made (by the women housemates) to do all the dishes in the house before he would be allowed to play, wait no.. the
band green day got so stoned that they asked if they could play last but the opening band, rancids, bass player hit his head on my p.a. speaker and had to be taken to the hospital for a compacted spine, then green day had to play and they couldn't remember thier songs so we just yelled at them.ah no wait the guy, "biff rose" who
wrote some of david bowies songs got thrown out
of our party for asking a 14 year old girl if
she ever had sex, then yelled at her that "a pussy smells like pussy no matter how old it is", as he
was getting thrown out of the house he called the
person doing the throwing a '"dickless wonder" not
having any idea that his asailant indeed was a transexual dickless wonder. oh no wait just last
month our city representitive was lighting fires
on my front porch as the last band was playing
and he is in charge of the local fire dept...
oh, man no.. how could i forget that time this
girl passed out in my bed and i slept on the floor
only to wake up to her pissing on me so i grabbed her and took her into the bathroom where she
passed out again then three hours later i was awoken by her dad in his full oakland p.d. uniform
who carried her to his car... oh! damn wait no..
that time these two cops showed up while my band was playing, we had a smoke machine going and
were projecting a cop porn movie on to us and we
were playing in our underware, they had flashlights out and just stood there till we finished then they clapped and left.
oh yeah then there was...
no, i cant tell that one,
awe, right.. then there are the shows on the bus...
what is difficult about having shows at your house
again, feel free to add whatever you want to this
~how the worst can make the not so good seem great.~
bus picts at www.flickr.com/photos/followthatparade
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