admission, i have two blogs going right now.
ticulator and followthatparade.
i thought i would only write stories about bus related things in "ticulator"
but i can't
my brain wanders too much.
i start writing about one thing and quickly switch to something else
i start talking about the bus brakes smoking in the rockies and two paragraphs later
am writing about licorice.
i also have to admit that i cant remember passwords and this website thing makes one password
require numbers and the older one doesn't so im typing in "drackula33" drackulalust" 2323drac....
on every page , finally i hit one that works and just start typing away not really knowing
which blog im typing on and what im talking about.
besides no one reads this crap anyway
and i don't feel like typing unless im avoiding doing something i should be doing and
maybe thats like once every two weeks or so.
like now.thanksgiving day, im suppose to be calling chase manhattin about my over due "occasional fee"
that is bullshit and try to get them to take it off my bill.
howver, what i really want to do, is tell someone about the amazing attendant call i did last night.
whollly shit. i even had to say out loud "i cant believe im doing this" as i was doing it
i got called to go to a guy i give rides to occasionally.
i know that he can't speak, has a dog
and likes porn.
i didn't know that along with not speaking he cannot swallow.
i should have guessed because he is always drooling on everything and after i take him out of my
van i often have to wipe up his drool off the floor so some one doesn't hurt themselves,
im not too surprised when i get into his dorm that his dog is barking non stop and
"johna" is sitting in his wheelchair in the dark. i start asking simple yes / no questions like,
"hey there, does the dog go into a different room?"... "do you want the lights on ?" "you feeling o.k.?".... johna communicates with one hand; he either moves it in a "yes" thumbs almost up thing, or a back and forth "no" across his lapboard.
the dog is hungry and wants to be fed. it stops barking.
i find a list of tasks lamenated and hanging on a hook in the kitchen. i ask him if i should do
the dinner page of tasks. thumbs up.
the dinner tasks only say to grind up medications in the motor and pestle and that the soda is
in the fridge along with clean latex tubes. no further explanations.
a long list of questions from me eventually lead to johna lifting up his shirt as much as he could
i pull it up to his belly button and see that there is a plastic tab next to his belly button.
it looks just like a snap. it takes me all of a minute to figgure out that the tube from the
fridge snaps in this tab and on the other end i use a big syringe to inject his meds directly into
his stomach. i mix them with two cans of ensure and suck them into the syringe then squirt them into the tube. he tells me to go faster by making a circular "come on " motion with his hand. im trying to make small talk and ask if this is making him nauseous. "no" says the hand.
when i think im done with the syringe he stops me from removing the tube and motions
to the fridge.
oh i forgot to mention that the big dog finishes eating in thirty seconds and proceeds to lick
every inch of the wheelchair and most of me. remember that johna is drooling everywhere.
inside the fridge are cans of diet pepsi. i pull one out and ask if he wants a cup and a straw
oops, he cant swallow, "no,,",,; i inject four cans of diet pepsi directly into his stomach. the pressure of the carbonated drink is pushing the syringe stopper out the other end if i don't
keep my thumb on it needless to say johna starts belching continually. this is when i say "i cant believe im doing this"
i go on to check his mail and wash his face.
over an hour later the dog is still licking everything and johna is still burping
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