in the pitch black echo chamber you can get so de -sensitized that you want to slap your face to know if its still there. it goes for miles and in a stooped waddle you can mezmorise youself for hours. one time i let myself drool while swinging
my arms propelling my stride up hill.
i have never brought a flashlight although when i went in
there with my daughter last year we used my cell phone for light when she got scared. that is untill i dropped it into the rushing water never to be found again. we call the tunnel the gates of hell
because at the very end of it, if you can make it, is a terrifying set of jail bars that block the
debris too large to come in with the water pressing it into the gate. often dead animals like deer
are stuck in the bars. in the pitch black for hours coming onto the gate is my second maybe third
most terrifying experience.

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